Hi there, see you again with still here in the world of TV service tutorial. Today I received a new broken Sharp LED TV The broken part is…….. Hang on, I haven’t turn it on Let’s turn it on Alright, here we go Then we’ll try to turn it on Please notice the LED light Look! It is blinking But it doesn’t turn on back to blinking again Thus the problem is the TV couldn’t be turned on But the LED light is blinking This kind of error is usually caused by its firmware or software issue Now we’ll try to reprograme its mainboard Lets do it! This is the mainboard and this is the flash IC sorry I use my thumb to show the IC that was the ic So if you notice the ic type is Windbond 25Q64 and as you can see, there are some dot point that can be used for connecting the IC into the IC reader or SPI Flash 2524 programer And now I will try to solder the jumper cable to enable us programing this SPI flash IC This is the reader, available at Duwiarsana.com the Jumper cable that i soldered which linked to the IC that i would like to program will be connected to a computer Now the reader has been connected to a USB and then we open the software for the reader No we could see the firmware data And now click the “program” button please wait for the loading process Here you could see the type of the flash IC its 100%! Now is the right time to release the jumper cable, next we’ll test this mainboard As you can see, the mainboard is quite dirty, i will clean it later Everything has been installed properly we’ll test it now Look! It’s a green light! It’s On! It’s on again back to normal YEAAAAH!!! Alright, we have reprogramed the IC of the LED TV with a new firmware successfuly That has an issue with its protect That was the simplest way to fix the issue The important thing from this tutorial is that you should have a good quality firmware file which has no error that you could get from internet .
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